3,313 parents are counting on their representatives to vote NO to SB 1030 on Tuesday

SB 1030 would slash the income cutoff for low-income parents to be eligible for SoonerCare, ending health coverage for thousands of Oklahomans. Under this bill, a single mother with one child would be too wealthy for SoonerCare if she made more than $275 per month. This new cutoff would be lower than every state in the U.S. except Texas and Alabama.

SB 1030 has been assigned to the House Appropriations and Budget Health Subcommittee and will be voted on Tuesday, April 3rd.  This is how many parents in each subcommittee members district would lose coverage if this bill passes.

Please call the members of the subcommittee and remind them how many parents in their district are depending on them to vote NO to SB 1030:

Rep. Chad Caldwell (Chair): chad.caldwell@okhouse.gov; 405-557-7317
Rep. Dale Derby (Vice Chair): dale.derby@okhouse.gov; 405-557-7377
Rep. Mickey Dollens: mickey.dollens@okhouse.gov; 405-557-7371
Rep. Claudia Griffith: claudia.griffith@okhouse.gov; 405-557-7386
Rep. Glen Mulready: glen.mulready@okhouse.gov; 405-557-7340
Rep. Mike Ritze: mike.ritze@okhouse.gov; 405-557-7338
Rep. Sean Roberts: sean.roberts@okhouse.gov; 405-557-7322
Rep. Michael Rogers: michael.rogers@okhouse.gov; 405-557-7362

Oklahoma has better options to increase working and reduce poverty, but taking away health care from struggling parents will only make our state’s economic future worse.

Published by Sabine Brown

Sabine Brown joined the Oklahoma Policy Institute as Housing Senior Policy Analyst in January 2022. She previously worked at OK Policy from January 2018 until September 2020 as the Outreach and Legislative Director, and earned a Master of Public Administration degree from the University of Oklahoma-Tulsa. Before joining OK Policy she served as the Oklahoma Chapter Leader for Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America. Sabine also earned a Bachelor of Science and a Master of Health Science from the University of Oklahoma and was a physician assistant prior to discovering advocacy work. She grew up in Germany but has called Oklahoma home since 1998.