Who We Are

Who are we?

Together OK is a nonpartisan coalition of citizens working together to secure a robust future for our state. We are a grassroots education and advocacy group connecting Oklahoma values to state budget priorities.

Together OK is primarily staffed and funded by Oklahoma Policy Institute, a non-profit, non-partisan Oklahoma think tank.


What do we do?

TOK grassroots activities include:

  • Supporting better budget advocates all over Oklahoma,
  • Presentations to civic, religious, community, and business groups,
  • Speaking to state lawmakers and the media,
  • Connecting constituents with information about their legislators and to other members of their two state legislative districts via local TOK chapters.
  • Helping to educate Oklahomans about the issues.

You can invite us to speak to your group and find coming events in your community.


Why do we need it?

Oklahoma’s future prosperity depends on our essential public services — we need safe communities, a strong infrastructure and environment, and great schools to keep this state attractive to business and a great place to live. Yet our investments in these services have been eroding for far too long. It is time to come together to create a better state budget that supports broad-based prosperity for Oklahomans.


What is our vision for Together Oklahoma?

  • We confidently affirm that a budget is a moral document, and we are deeply troubled by what our current state budget says about Oklahoma values.
  • Working together, we seek the best ways to provide prosperity for all Oklahomans in a thriving economy and with safe, healthy, equitable, and prosperous communities. We connect Oklahomans who share this mission to the facts and to each other.
  • We insist on transparency and accountability from elected leaders, and we commit ourselves to fulfilling our responsibilities as active citizens. We focus on our home state because policy decisions made here are what affect us most and what we have the most power to affect.


How can you help?

Spread the word to your communities through social media.

Participate in one of TOK’s affinity groups focused on citizen engagement around key issue areas.

Read our weekly blog posts and receive updates via email.