How are budget cuts impacting you?

Share Your Story or help others share their stories

Arthur Rothstein [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

Each new day brings another story of Oklahomans suffering because teachers have left for better paying jobs, school class sizes have grown, fewer doctors are able to serve Medicaid patients, programs for the children, the elderly, and disabled Oklahomans are being cut, and so much more.  

Legislators have a stark choice between passing a bad budget that relies on deeper funding cuts and one-time revenues, or passing a better budget that adopts a balanced approach that includes new recurring revenues and an end to unnecessary tax breaks.

It’s time to make sure your legislators know what it will mean to the constituents they’ve been elected to serve if they choose to pass a bad budget. Use this form to write a short post letting us know what budget cuts will mean to you and the ones you love or help others share their stories.

Your testimonials about the human cost of budget cuts along with those of your fellow Oklahomans from all over the state will help Together Oklahoma craft a campaign for a better budget. This year we’ll all work together to make sure that our fellow Oklahomans are well informed about the choices our legislators are making. They can choose to pass a bad budget or, with your input and advocacy, they can choose to pass a better budget!