Oklahoma already has one of the strictest standards for Medicaid enrollment in the country. A single parent with one child taking home $625 dollars per month makes too much to be eligible. SB 1030 would cut that threshold even lower. The monthly income limit for a single mother with one child would be just $275 per month. […]
Info to Action Blog
Big money interest groups are trying to stop this bill. Don’t let them.
Big money interest groups are trying to stop a bill that would repeal the capital gains tax deduction–SB 1086. Oklahoma’s capital gains deduction allows income from the sale of Oklahoma real estate or stock in an Oklahoma-based firm to go fully untaxed. Here are seven reasons why we can’t let them block a repeal of […]
We have a chance to repeal a wasteful tax loophole. Here’s how.
What if there was a tax break costing the state over $100 million every year and benefiting just 1 percent of households? What if nearly two-thirds of that benefit went to fewer than 1,000 households making over $1 million a year, while the vast majority of Oklahomans, those making under $100,000 a year, shared less […]
We need your help to stop 43,000 parents from losing health care
We need your help! Over 40,000 Oklahoma parents could lose their health care if a bill set to be voted on Monday in the Senate should pass. That’s a number equal to the number of undergraduate students at OU and OSU combined. Two in three of those who would lose coverage are mothers. Oklahoma already […]
Committee deadline has passed. Here are the issues TOK members are advocating on this week.
The deadline for bills to make it out of committee has passed. Both good and bad bills made it over this hurdle. Here are issues that we’re speaking out on this week: Stop Attacks on SoonerCare Multiple bills have been proposed this legislative session that would take away SoonerCare health coverage from very low income […]
You are making a difference! Let’s keep going.
You are making a difference! Thanks to your calls and emails, a bill that would end the capital gains income tax deduction – SB 1086 – has cleared the first hurdle and made it out of subcommittee. Now let’s keep the momentum going. Here are three bills that need our attention this week. Support SB […]
Two important votes this week and we need your voice!
Support SB 1086: Repeal the capital gains deduction Oklahoma’s capital gain deduction allows income from the sale of Oklahoma real estate or stock in an Oklahoma-based firm to go fully untaxed. The capital gains tax break is costing Oklahoma hundreds of millions without paying off in economic growth. In addition, the capital gains tax break […]
Our 2018 Legislative Priorities
The 2018 regular session is upon us. Despite two special sessions, we are still facing a budget shortfall and have much work to do towards a fair and prosperous Oklahoma. We’ve identified the following legislative priorities for this session. Increase revenue Our three health agencies—the Health Care Authority, the Department of Mental Health, and the […]
Introducing the New TOK Advocacy and Outreach Coordinator
Hello, Oklahoma Advocates! Let me introduce myself. I am Sabine Brown and I am taking over for Kara Joy McKee as the new Outreach and Advocacy Coordinator for Together Oklahoma. I want to tell you a bit about myself, but first I’m going to tell you a story about my son. My son is 10 […]
Can you believe they are going into ANOTHER special session?
Wow! Can you believe they are going into ANOTHER special session? I’ll talk more about why later in this email. It’s been a long year for all of us advocates in Oklahoma, but we still need to make our voices heard in this special session. The good news is that you don’t necessarily have to […]