The deadline for bills to pass both chambers and head to the governor or conference committee was yesterday. That means our focus is narrowed and we have some successes to celebrate but the work is not done!
Our coalition WON on stopping the call for a Constitutional Convention and passing some great criminal justice reforms this week. Hooray!! Pat yourselves on the back, thank your neighbor, and pull your team together for that one last push!
A majority of Oklahomans agree with you about halting the tax cut. We oppose going forward with a tax cut at a time when the state is looking at a $611 million budget shortfall and lawmakers are planning more cuts to education and almost every other core public service. But we still need to let our legislators know it!
Hot off the presses here is our Who, When, and How of Visits to Your Legislators. We will go over this information and give you other tips during our coaching sessions at the Capitol for anyone willing and able to visit their legislators next week.
Sign up for a day to visit here, call your legislators to see when is the best time to catch them, and show up at one or more of the times below. We may not be there at all of these times if we don’t get anyone signing up for them via either our online form or Facebook, so if you plan to join us be sure to RSVP.
- 10 am Monday, April 27th with Tyler
- 2 pm Monday, April 27th with Tyler
- 10 am Tuesday, April 28th with KaraJoy
- 2 pm Tuesday, April 28th with KaraJoy
- 10 am Wednesday, April 29th with Damario and Nikki
- 2 pm Wednesday, April 29th with Damario and Nikki
We will meet you on the 2nd floor in the Hall of Governors (the hallway in the southwest corner of the 2nd floor of the Capitol with the busts of governors) to go over the Halt the Tax Cut talking points and Who, When, and How of Visits to Your Legislators.
We’re in the home stretch. Let’s end the session with a WIN WIN for responsible public funding!