We all want power to help create the Oklahoma we want to see and it can be difficult to know what power we actually already have and what makes the most difference.
Time to celebrate!
Most legislators never hear from their constituents about most issues BUT when they do hear from us we can make a difference! Already this session you’ve helped stop bad bills that would have restricted eligibility for Oklahoma’s Promise scholarships and allowed new forms of high cost loans, and more. We are on a roll and there are good bills that are still alive. Some of the good bills that need your continued support are SB 1073 that would halt the tax cut and end the double deduction, HB 3160 and HB 3119 which would reduce fines and fees on Oklahomans involved with the criminal justice system, and more.
The power of face to face
The calls you are making to your legislators are great! Also, the best way we can get their attention is to meet with them or with their assistants face to face. That is why I am inviting all of you to:
Sign up for a day to visit your two state legislators at the capitol this month!
Join us for: Together Oklahoma’s Sustained Presence at the Capitol
Members of Together Oklahoma are going to carpool, meet to share concerns and talking points, process how their visits went, and report back to other Together OK members so we can all start developing those vital relationships with the two state legislators who represent each one of us. There are just two offices you absolutely need to visit, and you don’t have to go it alone. A steady trickle of concerned citizens is often much more powerful than one large rally that the legislators can ignore.
Joining Together Oklahoma Chapters
If you are in Central Oklahoma we are coming your way this week! Join us for:
Together Oklahoma- Central: Legislative Action Teams Meeting
March 3rd, 2016 6-8 pm
Downtown Library Ronald J Norick
300 Park Ave, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73102
Some constituents say they try to contact their legislators and never get a response. That is EXACTLY why you should join a Together Oklahoma district chapter! If we want to make the case that a legislator won’t listen we need a group of people documenting their interactions and trying all of the best ways to get your legislators’ attention.
In Together Oklahoma Chapters:
- you attend TogetherOK meetings and voice your opinion
- you read updates about bills that are coming up and how they impact you
- you contact a legislator and express your opinion
- you ask others to join you at TogetherOK meetings.
- you attend a face-to-face meeting with a legislator
- you keep your legislators accountable by documenting what they say and what they do.
Together you and your team are able to build your power and influence and get to know your legislators and how well they are representing you. If every legislator did a great job of representing the interests of their constituents, Oklahoma we would probably be a very different state. If you haven’t signed up to be part of a TOK Chapter already please do so here.
What is on your ballot?
Finally, many of you will be voting in the election today. We are encouraging everyone to get to the polls, and we hope you are too! Some of you have other things on your ballot beyond the presidential primary election. Check out your own personal sample ballot here to make sure you know what is on it before you arrive.
Thanks for your dedication to making Oklahoma better. We are doing it together!