Together OK Town Halls: Putting Money Back in the Pockets of Everyday Oklahomans!

Town Hall: Putting cash back in the pockets of everyday Oklahomans!; Icon of a microphone; Icon of a stack of paper money.

Together Oklahoma — OK Policy‘s grassroots advocacy program — has announced it will hold town halls across the state to empower everyday Oklahoma taxpayers to put money back in their own pockets.

Find a Town Hall near you:

TUESDAY • MAY 7 • 6:00-7:00 P.M.

WEDNESDAY • MAY 8 • 6:00-7:00 P.M.

THURSDAY • MAY 9 • 6:00-7:00 P.M.

SATURDAY • MAY 11 • 11:00 A.M. – Noon

Oklahoma taxpayers deserve a break:

The legislature still has the opportunity to cut taxes for more than half a million hardworking, low-to-middle income households, disabled veterans and seniors. These meetings will focus on a proposal this year to expand Oklahoma’s Sales Tax Relief Credit (STRC). 

Created in 1990, the Sales Tax Relief Credit is a tax break for everyday, hardworking low-income Oklahomans who need the help the most. Currently, the credit is $40 per person per household, but lawmakers have the opportunity to increase it to $200 per person AND raise the income limits so that MORE people qualify! [Learn More]

For many of us, times have been tough. We’ve cut corners or simply gone without things we need. Tell your legislator, we want them to put tax dollars back into the pockets of the folks who need it the most–low-to-moderate income individuals, families and seniors. [Contact your lawmakers now!]

OK Policy experts will answer questions and Together OK outreach organizers will give you the tools and resources you need to take action on solutions that will provide real relief for hardworking Oklahomans.

More Resources: