SB 1246 – How They Voted
Take Action
- Look up your House legislator here.
- See if they voted for or against the tax cut bill below.
- Thank your legislator if they opposed irresponsible tax cuts or hold them accountable if they supported the tax cuts!
YEAS: 54
Banz Enns McDaniel, R. Schwartz
Biggs Fisher Moore Sears
Billy Grau Mulready Shannon
Blackwell Hall Murphey Smalley
Brumbaugh Jackson Nelson Stiles
Christian Johnson Newell Turner
Cleveland Jordan O’Donnell Vaughan
Cockroft Joyner Osborn Walker
Coody Kern Peterson Wesselhoft
Cooksey Kirby Quinn Wood
Dank Martin, Sc. Reynolds Wright
Denney Martin, St. Ritze Hickman
Derby McBride Roberts, S.
Echols McCullough Sanders
NAYS: 40
Armes Hamilton McNiel Renegar
Brown Hardin McPeak Roberts, D.
Cannaday Hoskin Morrissette Rousselot
Casey Hulbert Nollan Scott
Condit Inman Ortega Shelton
Cox Kouplen Ownbey Sherrer
DeWitt Lockhart Perryman Shoemake
Floyd Matthews Pittman Thomsen
Fourkiller McDaniel, C. Proctor Virgin
Glenn McDaniel, J. Pruett Williams
Bennett Henke Russ Watson
Dorman McCall Trebilcock