Here’s what you can do this week:
- Sign up for a day to visit the Capitol
- Share our easy-to-use form to contact legislators
- If you lead a business or organization, please endorse this sign-on letter or share it with leaders you know.
- Print handbills to spread the word about halting the tax cut
- Contact your legislators about our other priority bills that are still alive
1. Sign up to visit the Capitol
It’s a face your legislators should see — your face, as you say “please halt tax cut and fund education first!” As you might recall from my “7 Ways to Get Your Legislators’ Attention,” the top way to make an impression is to do it face to face. That is why we are asking you to use this form to sign up for a day at the Capitol. Big rallies can be easy for legislators to avoid or dismiss, but new people coming in every day with the same message can make a big impression. You can use the buddy system, bring our talking points, set up an appointment with your legislator and go. We will be happy to coach you and your team in advance if you pick a day on our calendar using the form found HERE.
2. Contact your legislators with this form
A flood of Biblical proportions is what we are looking for when we say “Ask your friends to use our online form to contact their legislators”. We’ve made it easy, but we aren’t magic. The magic comes from each and every one of you making a passionate pitch that “The time is NOW to Halt the Tax Cut!”
3. Endorse the sign-on letter
While ALL Oklahomans need to be using the online form to contact legislators we are asking heads of businesses, organizations, and foundations to stand with us in public and say Halt the Tax Cut by endorsing this sign-on letter. Many are on board but many more are needed to send a strong message. Who do you know who should sign?
4. Distribute handbills
Put the power in your hand! It is as easy as printing these double- sided handbills and giving them to the people you know who care about education and health care. Oklahoma is depending on you!
Save Education Funding! Halt the Tax Cut
Save Health Care Funding! Halt the Tax Cut
5. Engage on these other priority bills
Some of the priorities we hold near and dear and a couple that scare us have made it this far through the process. Your legislators NEED to hear from you in order to represent you!
SUPPORT HB 2168 – We need to restore the title on this bill and get it passed so that Oklahomans with a felony record may obtain job licenses for professions that do not substantially relate to their crime.
SUPPORT SB 313 that passed both the house and senate- This will allow eligible Oklahoma citizens to register to vote online, and it’s about time! Here are some talking points you can use when contacting the governor to ask her to SIGN IT. We need to modernize because as you may recall The Village is Burning.
OPPOSE HB1747 – This is a BAD plan that will continue to decrease state revenues by exempting from the personal income tax for 5 years individuals who relocate to a county within Oklahoma that is projected to decline in its population. Kansas tried these “Rural Opportunity Zones” and found that the rural counties lost even MORE people since the tax break was created. Oklahoma can learn from that mistake if you contact your legislators now!
OPPOSE HJR 1018 and SJR 4 – These Constitutional Convention resolutions (found HERE) are still alive and they can come up fast! Contact your legislators today!
We hope this update is helpful, that you share it on social media, and that together we are making a difference in Oklahoma!