As many prepare for time with loved ones, comfort foods, and gratitude, I’m delighted to be able to offer a gift from many of us to all of us.
Together Oklahoma members in Tulsa, Oklahoma City, and Norman are working hard to plan some upcoming events. We will be gathering in the first weeks of December, you are invited, and we hope you bring others who care.
Together Tulsa: Pre-session Action Training and Networking, will be held Sunday, December 4th from 2pm-4pm at a location to be announced soon.
Together OKC: Pre-session Action Training and Networking, will be held Thursday, December 8th from 6pm-8pm at 51st street Speakeasy, 1114 NW 51st St, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73118
Together Norman: Pre-session Action Training & Networking, will be held Saturday, December 10th from 2pm-4pm in the Lowry room at the Norman Public Library, 225 N Webster Ave, Norman, Oklahoma 73069
Other Together Oklahoma chapters and gatherings are in the works. The best way you can help one happen in your area, is to make sure that at least two people near you have filled out our new Together Oklahoma membership form. Two people plus a plan equals power!
At these Pre-session Action Training & Networking events we will plan for and train in the best ways to have an impact on Oklahoma in the upcoming state legislative session. Our work is guided by the conviction that a budget is a moral document, and we are deeply troubled by what our current state budget says about Oklahoma values. One of the best things we can do at this time is to connect our fellow Oklahomans, to the facts and to each other!
As an organization, we insist on transparency and accountability from elected leaders, and we commit ourselves to fulfilling our responsibilities as active citizens. Together Oklahoma members focus on our home state because policy decisions made here are what affect us most and here’s where we have the most power to affect change.
Please join us as we seek the best ways to provide prosperity for all Oklahomans in a thriving economy and with safe, healthy, equitable, and prosperous communities. While you’re at it, bring along some other Oklahomans who care too.
Have a great holiday and I’ll touch base with you all again in a couple weeks!