You are not alone

Together Oklahoma heatmapYou have team in the fight for a better Oklahoma! As you can see from this map, your fellow Together Oklahoma members can be found all over Oklahoma. Two other people who should be on your team are your State Senator and State Representative.

For the last couple of weeks we’ve been talking about what will be on your ballot, where to find the resources, and the importance of State Questions, but I want to loop back around to remind us all of some important facts.

If you believe our state’s continuing giant budget holes are a serious problem, you also know that your choices on the November ballot will matter a lot. The people you send to the State Capitol at 23rd and Lincoln will be the ones deciding:

Legislative candidates can make promises about all sorts of issues, but if they can’t answer questions like the ones we’ve suggested here in our 2016 Questions for Candidates list, maybe they aren’t ready to be on your team and represent you.

Here’s what you can do today to make sure your representatives know what’s important:

The future of Oklahoma is depending on all of us!

One more note:  This map only includes members who have given us their address. If you are one of the several thousand TOK subscribers who haven’t signed up to be an official member, please follow this link and let us put you on the map. We are in this together!