For years folks have been saying “Oklahoma will have to hit the bottom before we bounce back up”. Well, it looks like that bounce is happening! Every day we see more articles about the budget crisis, more posts about conversations with legislators, more questions from constituents who have become better budget advocates for the very […]
Monthly Archives: April 2016
Are we leaving it up to chance?
Now that we are past the drama of who is filing for office, legislators are more ready to make decisions about the budget. Will they make decisions based on your input or are you leaving the fate of our great state up to chance? Three reasons your two legislators may listen to you: Because you […]
Writing to Your Legislators
Hand written letters can be particularly effective in influencing legislators’ views. Why? Who tends to hand write things? You guessed it! Older Oklahomans write and older Oklahomans vote. Write to give the legislators one more good reason to take you seriously! Writing to legislators also offers an opportunity to maintain contact and keep your issues […]
Who can fix the budget mess?
There’s just seven weeks left in the legislative session — seven weeks left to do something about a budget crisis that could be an unprecedented disaster for Oklahoma. So what do we know? We know we didn’t end up in this budget crater overnight. It’s not all because of low gas prices. (Remember this headline […]
Seven easy steps to boost a better budget
Tell lawmakers we need a budget that will protect essential services while raising new revenues #DoSomethingOK! Thank you for all you’re doing to get the word out to your fellow Oklahomans, but who can actually fix this budget emergency and who was elected to represent you? You have exactly TWO state legislators elected to represent you […]
Talking Points for the Campaign for a Better Budget
Why Oklahoma Lawmakers Must Find Recurring Revenue to Close the Budget Hole Oklahoma agencies have already deeply cut spending. Oklahoma deeply cut state agency budgets during the Great Recession and never restored that funding to most state agencies. Today most agencies are funded at 10 to 30 percent below 2009 levels. Nearly every state agency has been forced to dig deep to […]
Talking to a Legislator Face to Face
Be polite to them even if you’ve disagreed with them in the past. They’ll be more likely to be persuaded if they feel that you are being respectful of them as a fellow human being. Let them know you ARE their constituent. This matters because most of them will be much more responsive to folks from their own […]
3 pro tips for getting your legislator to respond
Some legislators hold regular town hall meetings with their constituents. Some are quick to schedule a face to face meeting or respond to a hand-written letter. These days there are even a bunch of legislators who will engage in discussions on social media. But one of the most common things we hear from Oklahomans is, “I tried […]