Don’t worry! I don’t expect you to save our state by yourself but I do need your help to throw this life preserver. The budget crisis is sinking our ship but the Oklahoma state legislators can throw us a life line and patch up the hull. This week the Together Oklahoma coalition joined more than […]
Info to Action Blog
Time to Sign Up!
We are more than half-way through the legislative session. Whew! Since Together Oklahoma focuses on reasonable revenue solutions to fill the big ol’ budget hole, the last half of session means crunch time for us! There is NO reason to trust that the legislature will pass a good budget without hearing from you. They are already […]
One Thing Thursday: Celebrate Our Successes So Far!
You obviously care about our future. If you didn’t, you would not be reading this weekly update from the Together Oklahoma Coalition. I’m glad you are here and together let’s get grounded in reality. I’m a gardener so I think a lot about getting grounded, or more specifically about the soil that my plants grow in. […]
One Thing Thursday: your legislators don’t answer to only you, what can you do?
Thank you for joining us again this week to talk about one thing that you can do to join Together Oklahoma in our work to fully fund the priorities that matter to ALL Oklahomans. Our Together Oklahoma vision states that- We confidently affirm that a budget is a moral document, and we are deeply troubled by what […]
One Thing Thursday: Ask them for responsible revenues to avoid devastating budget cuts.
If you got this as an email, thanks for signing up for Together Oklahoma emails! If you are reading this as a blog but want the email, sign up here. You can find out more information about why Together Oklahoma enthusiastically affirms that “a budget is a moral document” and what we intend to do to […]
Do actions speak louder than words?
I’m fed up with the bad budget news coming from our state legislature! Are you with me? I’m going to 23rd and Lincoln tomorrow for Let’s Fix This Capitol Day (Mar 22th)! (if you aren’t on Facebook, you can find the event at this link) I hope to see many of you there in person and/or following […]
Legislators who won’t listen to you?
Together Oklahoma is non-partisan. That means we want ALL legislators to hear from their own constituents right away! We bring Oklahomans together to talk about how a budget is a moral document and how we want our state budget to reflect our values. That means we need you! We have less than 11 weeks […]
Power Mapping For Change
As good advocates for change, we have many tools at our disposal. One important tool is called a power map. A power map helps us identify decision-makers and understand all the forces acting on them — like constituents; personal and professional relationships; special interest groups; other advocacy organizations; and political party leaders; among others. This […]
The why and how of legislative district teams.
Why do you need to engage with your district team? How should you engage with your fellow constituents? I’ll cover that and more and I hope you’ll join your fellow Together Oklahoma members in Slack to talk about this even more. Engaging with your fellow constituents is essential because your legislators don’t answer to only […]
Revenue Solutions for the Big ol’ Hole!
Like Will Rogers said “When you find yourself in a hole, stop digging!”. Well, we are in a big ol’ hole because the state budget has been cut almost 15 percent over the past decade when adjusted for inflation — or more than $1.1 billion per year. Many agencies now receive 20 to 40 percent less […]