Together OK Code of Conduct at the Capitol

Together Oklahoma seeks to make our information available for all Oklahomans. With that said, we do have a few important guidelines for those who attend Capitol visits as a part of our team. We are at the state Capitol to be a productive part of the policy development process. If you are focused on disrupting […]

8 facts about human services funding in Oklahoma (#Betterok Budget Bootcamp)

Most Oklahomans agree that government has an essential role in ensuring that vulnerable individuals and families can meet their basic needs when times are toughest. These basic supports are often called “human services.” They are the safety net that makes sure everyone has a foundation to reach their potential and fully contribute to the community. The benefits go […]

8 facts about health care funding in Oklahoma (#Betterok Budget Bootcamp)

Health is decided by far more than the health care one receives. Some estimates argue that health care is responsible for perhaps 10 percent of one’s actual health, with factors such as employment, food insecurity, housing, literacy, and many more all playing a part in determining health outcomes. However, being able to see a doctor […]