Help end disparities in Oklahoma’s criminal justice system

Oklahoma has the highest incarceration rate in the nation. This crisis impacts some communities more than others. Contact your state representative today and ask them to support HB 1855 (by Rep. Brian Hill). This bill would require community impact statements for criminal justice legislation. A community impact statement reveals a proposed bill’s impact on underserved communities and makes sure legislation wouldn’t unfairly impact marginalized populations.

Help expand opportunities for Oklahomans to work

One mistake shouldn’t derail someone’s opportunity to support themselves and their family. Please contact your state representative and ask them to vote yes to HB 1373 (Rep. Zack Taylor) and HB 2134 (Rep. Cyndi Munson). These bills would prohibit blanket bans of individuals with a criminal history — only crimes that are violent or sexual in nature or that relate directly to the duties of the particular job or occupation could automatically disqualify an individual from a license. Find your state representative here.

Help support working families by calling these legislators

Oklahoma’s Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) is modeled on an a federal tax credit that has been proven to be effective in encouraging work and supporting low-income families with children. But in 2016 , the Legislature slashed the state EITC for over 200,000 Oklahoma families by making the credit “non-refundable,” meaning it does nothing for families who pay sales taxes and property taxes but don’t earn enough to pay state income taxes.

Expand access to health insurance in Oklahoma

This year, Oklahoma lawmakers have the opportunity to bring Oklahomans the health care they need. SB 605, authored by Sen. McCortney, represents an important first step in the discussion about expanding access to health insurance in Oklahoma. SB 605 is up for a vote in the Senate Retirement and Insurance committee TODAY at 10am. Please call committee members and ask them to vote YES on SB 605.

Help end over-incarceration by calling these legislators.

Oklahoma leads the nation in incarceration. Oklahomans are put behind bars for things as minor as simple drug possession and inability to pay a fine or a fee.  This practice costs our state millions of dollars which could go towards real solutions like job training and mental health and substance abuse treatment. Additionally, it is not making us any safer. Fortunately, there is something you can do right now. Please call your legislators and ask them to vote YES to two bills that will help break this cycle of over-incarceration.

You can help protect SoonerCare for thousands of families

Everyone should have the security of quality health care in times of need. Oklahomans shouldn’t have to worry if they can afford to see a doctor when they’re ill or get their asthma medication, insulin or other life-saving treatments. Sadly, that is what’s happening. Lawmakers have ordered Oklahoma’s Medicaid officials to make a plan that […]