Since we left the Capitol, our team of advocates have been taking this show on the road! Everywhere we go, from the Turkey Mountain Outdoor Expo in Tulsa to the Ice Cream Festival in Tuttle, we find people who seriously want to get our state on the right track. But we also found that most […]
Info to Action Blog
On June 25, are you meeting me in Lawton, OKC, Tulsa, Norman, or elsewhere?
Are you wondering how we can be in Lawton, OKC, Tulsa, and Norman all at once? Here is the deal: part of our upcoming Together Oklahoma Better Budget Bash will be streaming live, and you should join us to see how it goes. Our venues are set and the cakes are ordered! Some of our Better […]
Is it possible for Oklahoma to climb out of this hole we are in?
I know many of you feel stressed out about the state of politics in Oklahoma and nationally. That makes sense, a lot of things are a mess! But please, bear with me as I explain why Together Oklahoma is having a party. As you’ll see below, we have some really good reasons to celebrate. Our […]
You’re invited to the Better Budget Bash!
It is a statewide party and you are invited! Let’s gather and celebrate all the work we all put in as citizen advocates this session. It is no coincidence that legislators were feeling nervous about passing a bad budget this year. This time YOU WERE THERE and that made a difference! We have almost 9,000 […]
Oklahoma can and must do better! Let’s not be shy about it.
Well friends, our Oklahoma legislature didn’t go into special session to fix the budget crisis. More damage will be done to our state, and there’s no point in waiting for someone else to fix it. Our trust is eroded and our frustration is high. Oklahoma can and must do better! But that is not the […]
Budget update and what to do
Events at the Legislature are flying fast. Here’s the update! Yesterday, Oklahoma Policy Institute Executive Director David Blatt, Policy Director Gene Perry, and myself, Together Oklahoma Coordinator Kara Joy McKee, hosted a Budget Update Webinar and you can watch or listen to that update here. We discuss what revenues are being considered so far, then what may be put […]
Budget, Breakfast, Wear Black
Legislators will be at the Capitol tomorrow, so we are going to be there too. We need to make sure they have the support they need to do the right thing. We are Oklahoma and we are worth it! Join us on the 4th floor rotunda of the Capitol from 9am-11am Wear black, Bring your sign or […]
Shall we shuffle the deck chairs while the ship is sinking or do you want a raft?
Last night, the Oklahoma House of Representatives voted down the revenue proposals that leadership announced yesterday afternoon. That means we are back to the drawing board and calling on you to keep doing one or all of these things! Call legislative leadership to demand a vote on restoring the gross production tax Join us Thursday […]
The Final Countdown!
Thanks for coming to the Capitol or at least being willing to do so! Legislators still have a long way to go to fix the budget, but this week so many amazing people showed up to tell them what’s important. This is what democracy SHOULD look like. We are making a difference in a way that I haven’t […]
Have you signed up for your shift?
Opportunities abound to convince your two legislators to address the huge revenue shortfall with substantial revenues! But the legislators need to hear from you to have the back bone support to take action in a meaningful way. You can make a difference by signing up to do any one or all of the three things […]